Strategy for the Sustainable use of Ecotourism in the Route of the Colombian Piedemonte
The Colombian territory is characterized by a wide range of places with huge natural resources and vast tourist potential. However, most of this wealth and that potential are not properly used and in many cases are not even known or accessible. Armed conflict, geographical condition and the deficit of infrastructure are some of the reasons why many of those places remain forgotten and wasted, as sterile and unproductive elements of nature.
Our research is based on these questions and is heading towards the approach of a strategy of support for ecotourism that will allow the sustainable use of natural resources and the appropriation of land by communities. The case study is the route of the “Piedemonte Llanero” between two of the most important rivers in Colombia: The Casanare river and the Guaviare River.
The initial phase of the approach of the strategy is to identify, describe and characterize some nodes of interest along the route with an emphasis on 4 factors: economic, environmental and social, as mainstay of sustainability and the infrastructure as necessary support system for the sustainable development of the ecotourism activity.
Keywords: ecotourism, strategy, piedemonte, sustainable