Examining Sustainable Mobility in Low-cost Neighborhoods in Khartoum-Sudan
By the beginning of the current century the state of Khartoum-Sudan starts giving direct support to low- income families by providing built houses to solve housing problem. The problem is that these neighborhoods lack proper standards of sustainable mobility. Five neighborhoods are selected as case studies. The research has two methodological phases: a comparison between neighbourhoods by criteria (geospatial data) describing their physical characteristics and field observation.The current situation of the neighborhoods were analyzed and the outcomes were compared with the UN Habitat model of sustainable neighborhood focusing on five parameters :location, proximity to potential work areas ,urban mobility street network characteristics and walkability .The research found that all the selected neighborhoods are accessible by private transportation (mini buses and cars) and within neighborhoods by Ructions . They have clear road hierarchy with no special roads dedicated for bicycles or pedestrians. Car ownership's ranging from 20 – 30 %. and there are no sufficient parking spaces. The research recommended adding sidewalks, parking spaces and green routs that can help identifying roads and improving their usability and giving priority to pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport. The research encouraged shared-use mobility services such as car sharing.
Keywords: low-cost neighborhoods, sustainable mobility, road hierarchy,