A Learning Model for the Introduction of the Principles of Bioclimatics and Sustainability in the Education of Pre-service Teachers
In this paper, we present the design, implementation and results of a teaching strategy that introduces pre-service teachers to environmental issues and basic bioclimatics. Student-teachers create digital narratives re-contextualizing simple sustainability principles and ideas. In our research, 200 students participated, at the School of Primary Education of the Faculty of Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, during the academic year 2013-2014. Our research follows 6 steps:
Step 1: Individual interviews and questionnaire distribution to record understanding and habits about energy resources and the environment
Step 2: Introduction to current environmental issues and discussion on environmental values and attitudes.
Step 3: Teaching activities that require active collaborative participation of pre-service teachers in a wiki.
Step 4: Production of digital narratives.
Step 5: Individual interviews and questionnaire distribution to record the impact of our application.
Step 6: The recorded interviews, the questionnaires and the developed digital narratives are analyzed using the GNOSIS research model (Guidelines for Nature of Science Introduction to Scientific literacy).
Data analysis initially shows encouraging results in terms of pre-service students re-contextualizing bioclimatics and sustainability concepts and attitudes.
Keywords: teacher education, bioclimatics, sustainability, wiki, digital narratives