Assessing the Self-reported Level of Knowledge, of Romanian Parents with 4-12 Year Old Children, on Emergency Behavior
The purpose of this research project is to assess self-reported levels of knowledge of parents with children aging from 4 to 12 by examining parental behavior in emergency situations in Romania. This project is a transversal descriptive study that addresses the objective of the research. This study contains 5 phases: Phase 1: Researching the addressed problem; Phase 2: Creating and developing the main tool, the questionnaire; Phase 3: Applying online the tool to the target group; Phase 4: Collecting online obtained data; Phase 5: Analyzing and evaluating the data obtained after the questionnaire was collected for further interventions. The final conclusion of this study will shed light on parental behavior that directly impacts the well-being of children. The results, furthermore, will be used to establish a link between the level of education and decision-making abilities during emergencies. This shall help parents avoid negative patterns of behavior and maximize the mental and the physical health of children. In other words, the result of the study will provide a baseline for further interventions, proving that family education can benefit not only human life but can also improve monetary income by reducing material damage.
Keywords: Disaster and Public Health, Natural disaster management knowledge, Parental education, Child education